Mohr Vet Research focuses on both contract research and the sale of swine for internal research projects.
We are committed to exploring innovative research outcomes to help discover solutions for the modern swine industry.
Research Swine
Mohr Vet Research sells all ages of pigs for research projects. We supply small and large orders to fit all your biomedical and research needs.
We provide sterile, high-health status pigs as well as pigs with specific pathogens for study. Our goal is work with you to provide for your specific health criteria.
Contact us at CustomerService@MohrVetResearch.org or (507) 500-MOHR to get a quote!
Other Research Services
Contract Research Facilities
Mohr Vet Research conducts biosecure research on both large and small scales to meet specific needs.
Discovery Research
Mohr Vet Research can conduct innovative trials to meet the growing needs of the industry.
Data Analysis
Mohr Vet Research performs both statistical and financial analyses for publication needs.
Outcomes Research
Mohr Vet Research will impliment and execute specific research protocols for USDA/FDA approval including biologics, pharmaceuticals, and neutraceuticals.
Nutritional Research
Mohr Vet Research will conduct in depth research either on farm or in a designated research facility for disease models, reproductive health, and growth rate efficacy.